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GISTDA, ARTSA and ITC organised training “Urban Flood Forecasting and Modelling” for Thai and ASEAN personnel for flood preparedness.

GISTDA and ARTSA with Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, The Netherlands organise training courses “Urban Flood Forecasting and Modelling” During 15 – 19 July 2024 at GISTDA, Government complex, Bangkok in a hybrid format to develop manpower and enhance the capacity to use mathematical models combined with satellite data to predict floods for GISTDA personnel, government agencies, and government agencies, the education sector, both in the country and in the ASEAN region. This is a joint activity under the MOU between GISTDA and ITC continuously.

The training was attended by 26 people who were interested in participating in the on-site training and 58 people online from government agencies and educational institutions, both in Thailand and the ASEAN region in 7 countries, including Cambodia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar, Malaysia, Laos, and Bangladesh. The topics in the training include learning Mathematics of Machine Learning and flood solving models. This is to develop and enhance the capacity of the GISTDA personnel and the ASEAN regions.

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